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Saturday, 27 July 2013 17:12

Value Added Modules

D&I Data Entry

All the data managed into the Data Base or all the External Datasaved into the DataMart/DataWareHouse and mapped into the Data Dictionary can be modified, added or deleted using this Module. The Module is also responsible of the Correctness of the Data here managed.

It consists in two main functionalities:

  • the first one has used by the Administrator who define the “data entry guide card“ that will contain Data and Rules to be showed and/or modified (only the data included in this format will be changed by the authorized users);
  • the second one has used by the authorized users to put or modify or delete the data included into the “data entry guide card”.

D&I Quality Data System

It is the system necessary for the verification of the consistency of information stored respect to those described in the D&I Data Dictionary ! The system allows you to check the consistency of the data, to verify the correct nature, size, properly map to belonging domains, the presence of invalid or insignificant information, the absence of necessary information, the possible inconsistency of the logical and physical relationship keys between multiple entities, and so on.

The correctness of the data stored into the Data Base is the main problem that you have to control if you want to be sure of the reliability of the results of your analysis!

D&I Data Schedule & Broadcast System

Using the D&I Data Schedule module all the analysis reports (defined using the Smart Reporting System or the Full Report System) can be scheduled to be processed in batch mode (base on a list of scheduler events) … and, of course, the results of these executions can be exported and distributed (D&I Broadcasting System) using the most common way (email, path shared, …).

D&I MultiDimentional DataBase Generation System

It’s the system by which D & I allows to manage virtual cubes so as to ensure the typical performance of a multidimensional system (OLAP) despite the use of a relational DBMS, therefore without incurring the typical problems of management (loading times / generation very high and huge memory occupation) arising from the use of multidimensional DBMS (cubes).

With this Module the Administrator can generate automatically all the redundancy of the data that he needs (Aggregate Plans) … grouping each kind of information for all combination of dimensions.

To perform the time response of the Analysis and Reports the “Full Reporting System” and the “Smart Reporting System” can manage Data Redundancy ! It’s means that in the same Data Base you can find the same Information one time fully ungrouped and other times grouped for one or more Dimension … and all the Data Redundancy are managed into the same relational Data Base.

NO Multidimensional Data Base is required!
Published in Products


  • D&I Platform
    Make complex decision support
  • Main Modules
    All modules available to the platform
  • Value-Added Modules
    Data Entry, Quality System Data, Data Schedule & Broadcast System, Multidimentional Database Generation System
  • Demo Area
    Request an access to the demo

Company data

  • OXero S.r.l. - Sede Operativa
    Via Camillo Rosalba, 47/J
    70124 – Bari – Italy
    Tel +39 080 5618558 Fax +39 080 5618558
  • OXero S.r.l. - Amministrazione e Contabilità
    Via dello Zoosafari, 9
    72015 – Fasano (Brindisi) – Italy
    Tel +39 080 4425629 Fax +39 080 4425497
  • OXero S.r.l. - Sede Operativa
    Via Lago di Sabaudia, 19
    00077 – Roma – Italy
  • Partita I.V.A./C.F.: 01816440745
  • Reg. Impr. Bari N° 01816440745 Cap. Soc. i.v. 50.000 €


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Via C. Rosalba 47J, Bari, Italy

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