HomeCompanyAll-in-one, lithe, specialized

All-in-one, lithe, specialized

A Company … all-in-one, lithe and specialized... to be always by your side ... because OXero is in your shoes!

  • All-in-one: because thanks to the capitalization of man-years of work and research in Business Intelligence, Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management, OXero provides a complete decision support platform ensuring – to all clients and partners - timeliness and autonomy, and so consequently an immediate response to every question.
  • Lithe: thanks to this, OXero always maintained a high level of efficiency by ensuring the highest quality of the solutions and, at the same time, cheapness services. But even lithe because of the flexibility that is inherent quality has associated features such as Availability and Timeliness thanks to a network of specialized partners can ensure that dynamism that characteriz OXero into the market.
  • Focused: because the OXero mission is to ensure the necessary level of technical expertise and theoretical knowledge to be able to assist partners and customers in all phases of creating and managing a complex and specialized decision support system. But focused mainly because it would not be possible otherwise to provide such high quality solutions on an issue so highly specialized.
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Why OXero

  • A Decision Support System All in One
  • The OXero success keys
  • We facilitate the understanding of your data
  • OXero is in your shoes - Respect for the choices of our customer is the basis of our choices
  • We create high technological solutions and services

+ info


  • D&I Platform
    Make complex decision support
  • Main Modules
    All modules available to the platform
  • Value-Added Modules
    Data Entry, Quality System Data, Data Schedule & Broadcast System, Multidimentional Database Generation System
  • Demo Area
    Request an access to the demo

Company data

  • OXero S.r.l. - Sede Operativa
    Via Camillo Rosalba, 47/J
    70124 – Bari – Italy
    Tel +39 080 5618558 Fax +39 080 5618558
  • OXero S.r.l. - Amministrazione e Contabilità
    Via dello Zoosafari, 9
    72015 – Fasano (Brindisi) – Italy
    Tel +39 080 4425629 Fax +39 080 4425497
  • OXero S.r.l. - Sede Operativa
    Via Lago di Sabaudia, 19
    00077 – Roma – Italy
  • Partita I.V.A./C.F.: 01816440745
  • Reg. Impr. Bari N° 01816440745 Cap. Soc. i.v. 50.000 €


Get in touch


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Via C. Rosalba 47J, Bari, Italy

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